

Digitisation project with Esslingen University

topex GmbH is developing a digital twin in cooperation with Esslingen University in the research laboratory of the university's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Esslingen University has a Virtual Automation Lab (VAL).

The focus of the work is the application-oriented development of methods and software for "Smart Factory Data and Simulation", such as: Digital Twin as a Service Platform (DTaaSP)

  • Digital Twin as a Service Plattform (DTaaSP)
  • Virtual machine, virtual commissioning, real-time simulation
  • Hardware-in-the-loop and mixed-reality-in-the-loop simulation
  • etc.

At the Transferplattform BW Industrie 4.0 industrial conference (www.tpbw-i40.de) at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, Germany on 28 March 2019, the Virtual Automation Lab and topex GmbH together presented the successfully implemented I4.0 project, "Digital Twin".

Video-Clip "Digital twin"

